Home > Industry/Domain > Toys and games
Toys and games
1) Devices that are used exclusively for recreation and play. Toys are most often used with children and pets and as a medium of education and development. Toys are not always obvious in their nature. A simple bottle can be considered a toy if an individual uses it for recreational use. 2) Games are structural activities used for physical or psychological education. In most cases, games are recreation. However, games can also be considered work. For example, a professional soccer game is a career to the participants.
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Toys and games > Skill toys 

LEGO Architecture Studio
Toys and games; Skill toys
Jeho nová verze Lego a také první verzi sady Lego, která vyjde bez instrukcí. Uvnitř pole obsahuje 1200 cihly a inspirativní průvodce s 272 stran, tipy, techniky, rysy a ...

Toys and games; Skill toys
Jo-jo je oblíbená hračka, skládající se z délky řetězce svázané na jednom konci ploché cívce.

- Action toys (17)
- Animals & stuffed toys (60)
- Baby toys (31)
- Educational toys (4)
- Outdoor toys & structures (0)
- Puzzles (0)
- R/C toys (0)
- Skill toys (61)