The United States Army Corps of Engineers
Industry: Government
Number of terms: 5261
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a federal agency with a mission to provide vital public engineering services in peace and war to strengthen the nation's security, energize the economy, and reduce risks from disasters. It is also a major U.S. Army organization employing some 38,000 ...
Hydraulic or mechanical movement of sand from the accreting updrift side to the eroding downdrift side of an inlet or harbor entrance. The hydraulic movement may include natural movement as well as movement caused by man.
(1) The part of a river that is affected by tides. (2) The region near a river mouth in which the fresh water of the river mixes with the salt water of the sea and which received both fluvial and littoral sediment influx.
(1) Formation of a channel through a barrier spit or island by storm waves, tidal action, or river flow. Usually occurs after a greater than normal flow, such as during a hurricane. (2) Failure of a dike allowing flooding.
A particular reach of marine shore in which littoral drift may occur without significant interruption, and which contain any and all natural sources of such drift, and also any accretion shore forms accreted by such drift.
This term, in municipal and international law, denotes the continuous body of salt water in the world that is navigable in its character and that lies outside territorial waters and maritime belts of the various countries.
The average height of the higher high waters over a 19-year period. For shorter periods of observation, corrections are applied to eliminate known variations and reduce the result to the equivalent of a mean 19-year value.
A current caused by the tide-producing forces of the moon and the sun; a part of the same general movement of the sea that is manifested in the vertical rise and fall of the tides.
A bulge in the coastline projecting towards an offshore island or breakwater, but not connected to it as in the case of a tombolo. Developed by wave refraction and diffraction and long shore drift.
A tide or current station at which a short series of observations has been obtained, which is to be reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations at another station having well-determined tidal or current constants.
(1) Ridges or mounds of loose, wind-blown material, usually sand. (2) Bed forms smaller than bars but larger than ripples that are out of phase with any water-surface gravity waves associated with them.