Transport Canada
Industry: Government
Number of terms: 8785
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Department of the Government of Canada responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canada. It is part of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfolio. Transport Canada is based in Ottawa, Ontario
U.S.: A defined point on the final approach course of a nonprecision (sic) straight-in approach procedure from which normal descent from the minimum descent altitude (MDA) to the runway touchdown point may be commenced, provided that the approach threshold of that runway, or approach lights, or other markings identifiable with the approach end of that runway are clearly visible to the pilot.
U.S.: A warning area is airspace of defined dimensions, extending from 3 NM outward from the coast of the United States, that contains activity that may be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft. The purpose of such warning areas is to warn nonparticipating pilots of the potential danger. A warning area may be located over domestic or international waters or both.
U.S.: In aviation weather forecast practice, an expression of hazardous weather conditions not predicted in the area forecast, as they affect the operation of air traffic and as prepared by the National Weather Service (NWS).
U.S.: When used in conjunction with ATC instructions, gives the pilot the latitude to delay compliance until a condition or event has been reconciled. Unlike “at pilot’s discretion”, when instructions are prefaced “when able”, the pilot is expected to seek the first opportunity to comply. Once a manoeuvre has been initiated, the pilot is expected to continue until the specifications of the instructions have been met. Note: “When able” should not be used when expeditious compliance is required.
De vliegende verwachte tijd van vertrek punt naar bestemming (liftoff aan touchdown).
Een opgegeven locatie, geïdentificeerd door visuele of andere middelen, die in de nabijheid van de positie van een vliegtuig in vlucht wordt gehandhaafd overeenkomstig ATC toleranties.
(1) ICAO: Serviciul de control al aerului trafic pentru care sosesc sau pleacă controlate de zboruri. (2) U.S.: ATC serviciul oferit de o facilitate de control abordare pentru care sosesc si pleacă VFR/IFR aeronave şi, ocazional, ro ruta aeronave. În unele aeroporturi nu deservite de o facilitate de control de abordare, centrul de control aerian rută de trafic (ARTCC) furnizează serviciul de control al abordarea limitată.
Ένα αεροσκάφος που συλλαμβάνουν τη συσκευή που εγκαθίσταται σε ένα διάδρομο σε ορισμένα αεροδρόμια στρατιωτικών και πολιτικών. Η πτήση Καναδά συμπλήρωμα (CFS) περιέχει πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον τύπο και τη θέση του αλεξικεραύνου καλώδια και προληπτικά μέτρα.
Un serviciu furnizat de centrele de control al zonei (ACC) pentru colectarea, prelucrarea și difuzarea informațiilor mişcarea de aeronave pentru utilizare de unităţi de apărare aer.
Radar equipment specifically designed to detect all principal features on the surface of an airport, including aircraft and vehicular traffic, and to present the entire image on a radar indicator console in the control tower. The equipment is used to augment visual observation by tower personnel of aircraft and/or vehicular movements on runways and taxiways.