Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Industry: Telecommunications
Number of terms: 29235
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
In the received image in video systems, distortion characterized by the appearance of an underlying block encoding structure.
In the reception of a digital data stream, the loss of a bit, or the insertion by the receiver of a bit that was not transmitted, because of a difference in the bit rates of the incoming data stream and the local clock.
In the reception of a digital signal, the instant at which a decision is made by a receiving device as to the probable value of a signal condition. Synonym selection position.
In the reception of an amplitude-modulated signal, an apparent reduction in the depth of modulation of a wanted signal, caused by the presence, at the detector, of a stronger unwanted signal.
In the reception of framed data, the loss of synchronization between a received frame and the receiver clock, causing a frame misalignment event, and resulting in the loss of the data contained in the received frame. Note: A frame slip should not be confused with a dropped frame where synchronization is not lost, e.g., in the case of buffer overflow.
In the reception of framed digital data, the extent to which a received frame is correctly aligned with respect to the clock at the receiver. 2. The state in which the frame of the receiving equipment is synchronized with that of the received signal.
In the reception or processing of digital data, the use of overhead bits and appropriate algorithms to detect, and within certain constraints, restore a corrupted data stream or block with a high degree of confidence. Note 1: In addition to applications having to do with conventional data processing and storage, error correction can be used in specialized applications such as the real-time correction of corrupted incoming digital television signals. Note 2: The addition of overhead bits (a) increases the bit rate required to transmit a given amount of digital payload, and (b) everything else being equal (i.e., in the absence of subsequent data compression measures) increases the storage space (e. G. , disk space) required to store a given amount of digital payload.
In the representation of a character, a signal element that has a duration equal to the unit interval.
In the representation of a number, the error introduced when one or more digits are dropped.
In the strict sense, a state of matter. 2. In fiber-optic communication, any of a number of noncrystalline, amorphous inorganic substances, formed, by heating, from metallic or semiconductor oxides or halides, and used as the material for fibers. Note: The most common glasses are based on silicon dioxide (SiO2. )